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The Raritan Valley Orthodox

Jewish Community Association

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Welcome to the Jewish Home of Raritan Valley

The communities of East Brunswick, Edison & Highland Park

we’re here for you

We’re a community-wide organization dedicated to enhancing the welfare and wellbeing of local families, institutions and businesses in the present, while cultivating our region to significantly increase the Jewish population in the future.


Helping grow. Communal growth is an integral part in the community’s longevity. With a focus on attracting targeted demographics, our community can succeed long term, grow, and thrive. Our goal is to market the affordability of our towns and recruit young growing families appropriately and effectively to our neighborhoods. This in turn will help populate our schools and shuls and help support our local businesses.


Liaising with our local governments. Our voice needs to be heard in unison by our municipal and County governments as well as local School Boards to impact our community’s experiences as taxpayers. We seek to build that sense of connection, building a pipeline of direct contact with key decision makers. Whether it is an issue with safety for our families in our Schools and Synagogues, pedestrian safety on our local roads, special needs assistance for our most vulnerable children, unemployment assistance; or issues pertaining to our senior citizens, it will be our voice that is heard.


Putting UNITY back into our CommUNITY. Men, women, boys, girls, coming together under one cause. Regardless of where you daven, where your children go to school, or your favorite flavor of ice cream, The ROC of New Jersey seeks to unite our community to the benefit of us all!

Episode 1:
Another Day Rolling with The ROC - Employment Assistance

Episode 2:
Empowering Communities Through Assistance - How The ROC Can Assist You When Dealing With Government Agencies

Episode 3:
A Helping Hand In Times Of Need - Call Us When You Need A Minyan

Episode 4:
A Solution For All - Collaborative Efforts Of The ROC - Collaboration Is The Key  To Success

Episode 5:
Revitalizing Our Community - Discussing Our Plan For Expanding, Growing Younger, and Revitalizing Our Community

Episode 6:
Community In Motion - Why The ROC Tackles Diverse Issues and Isn't a One Issue Organization

Helping people. Whether it is an issue that an individual, family or community is facing, we see you. With our ears to the pavement we are here to help those in need.



Founder and President,
The ROC of NJ

Josh Pruzansky

Our goal is to represent the community as one, unified entity, pursuing initiatives that will enhance the lives of families in the community, as well as offering support to local institutions and businesses.

Secretary of the Board,
The ROC of NJ

Hannah Farkas

Being a part of this community, raising children here, and experiencing firsthand the incredible Achdus that this community already boasts- is a true gift. The ROC of NJ is a reflection of the communal unity that defines Raritan Valley.

Vice President of The ROC of NJ and Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Ahavas Achim, Highland Park

Rabbi Ronald Schwarzberg

The ROC of NJ will be a vehicle to showcase the wonderful infrastructure that the Raritan Valley Jewish Community has to offer. It is critical that we focus on a robust community growth initiative to ensure our sustainability.

Rabbi Luban

Congregation Ohr Torah, Edison

Rabbi Yaakov Luban

The ROC of NJ was established to address the religious, social, and economic needs of our community. It will galvanize our collective strengths and talents to tackle the many important issues that demand our attention.

Vice President of Resource Development, The ROC of NJ

Dr. Jeffrey Chustckie

I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to work together with the very talented professional and lay leadership of The ROC of NJ. The projects we are planning will have the ability to benefit many aspects of Jewish life here in Raritan Valley.

What They're Saying




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